Hollywood Board Up Services (818)859-5423
Business Overview
BOARD UP SERVICES Fire Board Up Restoration When disaster strikes, you'll need a board up company to respond with the necessary tools and manpower to secure your property to prevent further loss from happening. The Hollywood Board Up Company has the necessary skills, to address any property burn out situation. We've performed countless emergency board ups throughout the years and have seen it all. The Hollywood Board Up Company arrives promptly, with a can do attitude, fully stocked with lumber, roof tarping materials, padlocks and slide bolts to secure front entry ways allowing future access to contractors, and insurance adjusters. You'll need a board up company to help you shine at the right time. When our 24 hour emergency fire board up service arrives on site, you can rest assure that we will represent your company with the level of courtesy and professionalism expected that will poise your Company to land the restoration contract and continue on with the restoration process. Calling on The Hollywood Board Up Company is a Win Win situation. Remember "CAN DO" Commercial Board up services In Los Angeles as long as there is glass, there will be broken glass. With that said if your business suffers from one of the many cost of doing business expenses such as a broken store front window, or broken door glass, the chances are that the broken window may have to be replaced with tempered safety glass. Tempered safety glass can take anywhere from 2 days to 2 weeks to have delivered. In the mean time you have found yourself looking for an emergency board up service to perform a window board up until you can get the necessary glass repairs done. With so many emergency board up services to choose from, you have chose the best. The Hollywood Board Up Company is available 24-7 ready to respond in a moment's notice. The Hollywood Board Up Company offers complimentary glass clean up, Board up services, and glass repair services. Your one stop shop to excellent emergency service company that will earn your return business. Residential Board up services Accidents happen, and when they do& We're here to help. If you have a broken window, and need an emergency board up, our board up service can board up your window with-out causing any damage to your window frame, stucco, or door frame. We have several proven emergency board up techniques that will work in any situation. Our emergency board up service technicians can respond to your address with-in an hour (excluding traffic delays. So you can enjoy the rest of your day, or night with piece of mind. Regarding a vacant property board up also known as REO Board Up. Foreclosed, or bank owned properties get vandalized, looted, and stripped of its valuable essentials, and can just be plain hazardous to trespassers. The Hollywood Board Up Company can help protect your assets by providing emergency board up services for all secured, and unsecured openings, boardup windows, and boardup doors, and boarding up buildings to any specification requested. We also provide free digital photography of before, and after work upon request.
Geographic Area
Los Angeles County
Line of Business
Construction > Construction Services
Brands We Carry
Board Up Service, Board Up Company, Board-up
Products and Services
24 hour emergency boardup service, emergency boardup services, Boardup Company, window boarding service, board up service, window repair, 24 hour glass repair company, board up companies, broken glass repairs, boarding up services, board up service, emergency glass repair, City ordered board up, board up the house, emergency window repairs
Discounts Offered
We will beat any written estimate!
Business Hours
Open 24 Hours, 7 Days a Week
We Accept

Also: Cash, Checks